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OpenSuse Leap 15.0 [x86_x64] 3xDVD, 1xCD
Title: OpenSuse Leap
Version: 15.0
Latest OS version: 15.0
Disc type: DVD, CD
Architecture: x86_x64
After ten months of development, the openSUSE project has announced the release of openSUSE Leap 15. A 3.7 GB universal DVD build is available for download, as well as live builds with KDE (859 MB) and GNOME (909 MB).
The distribution was developed as part of a new rolling model, which implies the active use of automated testing tools and the publication of snapshots updated every few days, without releasing classic alpha and beta builds. Like the previous three...
პოსტის სანახავად უნდა იყოთ რეგისტრირებული ფორუმში შედით ან დარეგისტრირდით ახლავე.
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